

At Crown, we don’t just focus on your academic studies, we want you to become the best you can be – personally, professionally and academically. We offer internships for our students, and networking events with industry leaders to help you step into your dream career. We are a small school, that allows us to provide personal assistance to all our students, with a dedicated Wellbeing Manager who is here to help you out if you need.

We offer a range of scholarships with differing criteria. Please contact us for details.

Both. We believe that your studies should equip you with both the skills and knowledge to do well in your career. For that reason, we include many practical activities in our classes – making drinks and food for hospitality, making itineraries for travel and tourism students and developing a business plan for business students. For academic work, we will often do research assessments where you to apply your learning to the real world.

Yes, we work hard so that our courses are up to date and match what the industry needs. Because of this, our graduates are well regarded in the industry. In addition to this, your internship placement may turn into a permanent job, and you will have access to several informal job opportunities if you attend our networking events for students

Level 3 courses give you a basic overview of a subject, and while you may find a job with this qualification, in order to maximise your employability, we recommend Diploma (Level 5) courses. These courses will enable you to progress faster and will give you the skills to analyse information and trends in your field.

We will show you how to be resilient, resourceful and caring during your studies. These are important attributes for any person to have. In addition, your academic work will improve your language and numerical skills, teach you how to research a subject and analyse how things can be improved. We also help you with grooming, C.V. writing and job interviews, and the importance of networking in your field of interest.

Crown students do not have to wear a uniform, but we do have a dress code. The dress code is smart casual, which is the most common type of clothing requirement in most workplaces. We believe that having students manage their own clothing results in a better understanding of what is appropriate in a workplace.

We only run our full-time courses during business hours currently. We are investigating online learning options so that students who want to study at a time of their choosing can do so. Watch this space!

Crown is as diverse as the city we serve! Around 80% of our students are kiwis, and have students from all backgrounds, just as you would find anywhere in Auckland.

We support our students in several ways:


  • We provide free public transport to and from Crown. We calculate the distance and fare from each student’s closest public transport stop, into Crown. The amount for one full school week is loaded on to an AT Hop card, which is then issued to each individual student, to get to and from school each day (Terms and conditions apply)
  • Pearl Wilson, our Wellbeing Manager, is always available for students experiencing difficulties
  • Students have access to workshops that detail Goal Setting, CV & Cover Letter writing, and Job Interviews
  • We organise fun events to help students build relationships and confidence
  • Internships help our students understand what is required of them in the workplace (Diploma students)
  • Real World Experience is an exciting core component of all Crown’s courses. It interactively supports students’ vocational growth
  • Networking events empower students to build a network in the field they are interested in

In addition to the points in the previous question, Crown supports our Maori and Pasifika students by:

  • Learning what cultural norms are for each student, and respecting students’ rights to express themselves through their own culture

  • Celebrating your culture encouraging you to share it with you fellow students during cultural weeks and through live performances

  • Our Wellbeing Manager understands and is sensitive to Maori and Pasifika communities

  • Integrating your culture into significant events such as Graduation

We are a small school, so you will get to know your fellow students and tutors very well. We aim to be as accessible as possible – we have an open-door policy so you can have a chat to your tutors, Academic Director or the Office Manager if you wish.

Crown is located in a large, six level building at 80 Anzac Avenue, Auckland City. It is close to the Auckland High Court, major transport hubs such as Britomart, parks, cafes, restaurants, and shops. The CBD is a 10 minute walk away, where there are thousands more food outlets and shops for you to explore.

Crown has many spacious classrooms. Classrooms have desktop computers, and free Wi-Fi. There is a student lounge, cafe and kitchen with a great outdoor area on the top floor of the building.

You can check your eligibility for fees free study CHECK HERE

If you are not eligible for fees free study, you may still be able to apply for a student loan through Studylink. Please click on this link to see if you are eligible CHECK HERE

Yes! If you are a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) pays a large portion of your school fees.

Absolutely. Our contacts within the industry are one of the things that sets Crown apart from other schools. Not only do we have these contacts, we encourage you to meet these people at regular networking events we hold, such as industry seminars or Young Skal events. We even sponsor the membership fees for some students to join these events. We work very closely with these experts in both travel and hospitality to help design our courses to ensure we are producing work-ready graduates. Both industries are dynamic and always changing, that is why it is important for us to maintain relationships with these fields to keep up-to-date and informed.

All tutors at Crown have relevant industry experience; some have worked as Flight Attendants; others have worked at five-star hotels and award-winning restaurants! Many of our tutors still work part time in the field they teach – this allows them to keep up to date with industry practices

At Crown, we teach in a classroom environment. Class sizes are usually small, under 20 students. We believe students can engage with their tutors more effectively in a smaller class with less students. The small classes also promote a feeling of camaraderie between classmates.